Keyword Extract

Extract all keywords from an article

Article checker

Article checker

Rental not Savings

Explain to the customer that SaaS is about rented quota, and not like a savings account or loyality points

Mod Apk Content Writer *BY* Sohail Sardar

Humen Written | Seo Optmized | Unique | Detailed Content | Tables | Faqs | Conclusion

YouTube 30 Sec Short Video

write the product name with

Review of ideas and projects

Use this prompt to analyze your ideas and projects for viability. You can ask how to get 5 stars for your idea if it is not the case.

A Completed SEO Optimized Article including, heading, list iteam, Meta Description and FAQ's.

100% Unique, Plagiarism Free and Fully SEO Optimized Articles which help you rank on google #1 page.

Million Dollar Video Hooks

Create 10 Million Dollar Video Hooks in Seconds

Tailor Your Resume/CV to match a Job

(Pls use GPT-4 for best output)Professional resume writer and helping you to tailor your resumes to match the requirements of a specific job posting

Write 3 technical SEO paragraphs

Write 3 technical SEO paragraphs

Help You Make Decision

Create a mind map theory point for you to make a clear decision

Reply any Email Save your Time!

Peste your email here for reply!

Rewrite Article

Rewrite Article 100% Unique!

Game Builder

Design a fun and interactive game on any topic from a keyword

Facebook marketplace title, decryption and tags

Generate a facebook marketplace tile , description and tags from, [KEYWORDS]

Perfect Prompt

Create a Perfect Prompt for Multiple Purposes.

MS Interview answers

How to answer in Interview [PROMPT]

Human Written | SEO optimized Article

Human Written | Plagiarism Free | SEO Optimized Article With Proper Outline (Pros and Cons of Product) | Relevant Keywords | Meta Decsription | Title Variations

Senior dev next to you

Give a clear explanation or code review.

Discussion with G-man & B-man

A discussion process in which positive man(G-Man) & negative Man(B-Man) discuss a topic to find new directions.

Professional columns

Professional columns, for YouTube, etc

ChatGPT Prompt Engineer

Create an extensive prompt

Rank with 1000+ Words, Casually Written, Informative

1 [KEYWORD you want to rank], 1000 words+, casually written, informative.

The Best SEO Optimized Quora Answers.

SEO Optimized Quora Answers With Detailed Feedback, Pros & Cons and more...

An Honest Product Review (Fully Human Touch)

Write a product review as if you have used the product. From your personal experince you'll write a article about your product.

ags SEO article writer

SEO article writer

Patent Drafting Tool (PDT-1)

Simplify your patent drafting with PDT-1. Just provide the problem statement, and get precise titles, fields of invention, and backgrounds.

10 keywords from an article link

Gather 10 main keywords for an article

Outranking Your Competitors with Better Content.

Are you struggling to outrank your competitors in search engines? Do you want to improve your website's visibility and attract more traffic? Look no further!

One click sarcastic roast letter

MUST TRY!!! Funniest prompt on chat-GPT! Create a funny roast letter about any topic in one click in the form of a complaint letter.

My Collection
AI Prompts