Instagram Hashtags Generator With Keyword

Create Instagram Hashtags About My Topic

Optimized and smart 07-factor search table

Make an optimized and smart search with a maximum of specific, clear and precise data on any subject. The smartest and most excellent search prompt

Discussion with G-man & B-man

A discussion process in which positive man(G-Man) & negative Man(B-Man) discuss a topic to find new directions.

Million Dollar Buyer Persona Guide

Create a Comprehensive Buyer Persona Guide for Your Business

Media Class

Classify a list of media in transactional page or informational page to find press, magazine or blog to publish your contents

Background information creation

Create Insights for Zimmwriter

reference list and citation checker

You will act as a reference list and citation checker, and your role will involve examining the provided article or text to confirm the accuracy and consistency of references cited in the text and listed in the reference and citation list, and vice versa.

Write Comprehensive Broker Review Information

Create comprehensive review information of a broker with specific keywords and outline given.

Generate a List of Content Ideas for a Local Business

Simply enter the [Service Type] and [Service Location] to generate a list of content ideas that you can publish on the blog. Eg; [Service Type] - Plumbing [Service Location] - Houston

SEMrush | Keyword Research Tool

Keyword Research Tool like SEMrush it will create table of related keywords of Keyword, Volume, Keyword Difficulty, CPC (USD), Competitive Density, Number of Results, and Intent.

Tiktok Hashtags Generator With Keyword

Create 30 Tiktok Hashtags About My Topic

Power Persona Profiles

Create Buyer Personas based on your product/service.

Competitors Analysis

Create a one-click competitor analysis

Outline Article | Top-level keywords, Longtail keywords and Search Intent.

Top-level keywords, Longtail keywords, Notes for topics, Infographic, Blog post outline and Search Intent.

Article and author analyzer.

Article and author analyzer.

In-depth Keyword Research and Content Optimization

An in-depth keyword research and content optimization of a given page.

Marketing Psychology: Perfect Customer Framework

Create an ultimate customer avatar to know your customers better than they know themselves. Made by Forbes Council Member @withhimu. Suggestions on Twitter are welcome!

Ask an Aerospace Engineer Anything!

You now have access to aerospace engineering expert on a 24x7 basis. Questions about the Aerospace Industry? GPT the Engineer can help.

Create A Professional Content Brief with Strategic Insight

Create a content brief in [TARGETLANGUAGE] for the listed keywords. Custom prompt provided by SEO Priority.

Powerful Social Content Analysis

Make a complete social content analysis with powerful insights. ** Vote if you like it! ;) **

Brainstorm Generator

What would you like me to brainstorm?

Amazing Youtube Video Idea Generator!

Unlock 45 amazing youtube video ideas with just 1 click! Based on the techniques used by the most popular creators and youtube strategists.

Create a Perfect Article's Plan

Reasearch Keywords (Semantic, LSI, and NLP), generate titles, generates meta description, and generate article outlines.

Perfect Podcast Name Finder

Perfect Podcast Name Finder

Header Generator

Takes competetors headers and create a unique headers that covers all aspects of your Article

Smart Research

Unveil the secrets to success by unleashing your inner research wizardry and crushing it! With the right tools, anyone can become a research expert and make discoveries that will shape their lives. Whether you're just starting out or have been in the research game for years, there are plenty of ways to maximize your efforts and get results quickly.

Pain points of audiences / target groups

Pain points of audience as a basis for user-oriented copywriting - brought to you by Mister SEO

Find matching color for any term

Are you looking for a matching color of a thing, a situation or a feeling? This prompt provides you with the appropriate hex-code!

Whitebook gpt

With this, you can get detailed information about any medication by simply typing in its name.

Youtube TAG Generator With Keyword

Create 30 Youtube Tag About My Topic

My Collection
AI Prompts