Quickfire Answers

Designed for those who want quick and straight-to-the-point answers without any unnecessary information.

Keyword Strategy

Create a keyword strategy and SEO content plan from 1 [KEYWORD]

Supplement fact,functions,Target towards,Iteration

Write down what target towards or ingredients you want to do.Such as XX Support or Turmeric etc.

Chat with Thomas Shelby

Talk to today's most redpill person: Thomas Shelby

Ebook Title And Subtitle Generator

Create 5 ebook title and subtitle for your ebook

Group Discussion

Create a plan discussion with up to 4 participants (All participants will give constructive feedback and new ideas on how to improve)

Battle Plan: Strategies for Business with losing

Turning the tide: smart strategies for companies facing double-digit inflation

Keywords for Docker

Keywords for Docker

SirPrize, Inc_Manuscript generation C

If ChatGPT stops spitting out, type "Continue writing please".

Outline High-quality Outline

Generate a high-quality info content outline for your blog.

Domain Name Suggestor

Generate A List of 10 Domain Name Suggestion For Your Business

Lets Ask From Einstein

How may I help you !

amazon product bullet point and description

updated for indian amazon product bullet point and description

Image generator

Create an awesome DALL-E prompt

Translate article

link article [Keyword]

Reply for social media comments

Generate a reply to any comments on social media

Market Research

Market Research

Create a casual comment for this post.

Create a casual comment for this post.

Spanish course

Spanish course

Write 100 sentences of 300 characters

Escreva uma lista com 100 frases [KEYWORD]


write [] like level of elementary school, middle school, high school, undergraduate school , graduate Schools

jail break gpt

jailbreak [keyword]

SEO Content Auditing Expert [Live Crawled]

SEO audit your webpage for E-A-T & YMYL - Original Author: @FlorianKluge.

Amazon Points

Only Amz Bullet Point

eBook Outline Generator

Create the best ebook Outline. Enter your title and let the AI do the Work

My Collection
AI Prompts