Create a GUI for any python code!

Turn any python code into a working GUI

DALL-E & Bing Image prompt generator

Create prompts for DALL-E and Bing Image Creator. Enter a topic item and background for the image you want to create, and it will generate five prompts.

20 Content Ideas Related To Any Topic

ARE YOU A WRITER? Create 20 content ideas related to your [topic] that [your audience] would find interesting and beneficial.

Create a GUI for any python code!

Turn any python code into a working GUI, No explination!

the shopping

"Learn the secrets of smart online shopping and enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable experience"


ebook in one click

Function of Excel

[Excel], [function], [formulas do Excel], [Function of Excel]

"Talking and explaining anything"

"Discover the secrets in just 5 slides, get ready to feed your curiosity!"

Generate MCQ question in csv format

Generate MCQ question in csv format by

Learn about anything & and answer MCQs

Learn anything & answer to questions about the same!

Answered like Human

Answered like Human


ebook in one click

My Collection
AI Prompts