Write Ecommerce Product Description

[Giving Your Product Product Description]

Facebook Ads Campaign Generator

Facebook Ads Campaign Generator

Create article seo friendly

Create article in [Keyword]

SEO-writer for Blogs

SEO-optimized article in 2000 Words with markup and high quality

Adaptive and Formative Knowledge Evaluator

This prompt allows ChatGPT to transform into an adaptive knowledge evaluator based on customizable parameters such as subject, topic, and the number of questions. It acts as a teacher of [VARIABLE1] who evaluates and teaches simultaneously, focusing on the [VARIABLE2] topic and specifically on aspects related to [PROMPT]. The evaluator will ask [VARIABLE3] questions one by one, without including answers or lists. The questions will adapt to the student's level depending on the quality of their responses. If the answer is sufficiently correct, the next question will be more difficult. If the answer is not correct or not sufficiently correct, the next question will maintain the same level of difficulty, and if the student fails twice in a row, the following question will be easier. After each student response, the evaluator will provide the best possible answer with detailed explanations and clarifications about the student's answer, allowing the student to learn and improve their knowledge. Once the question and answer process is complete, the evaluator will assign a rating from 1 to 10 for the student, based on the quality of all the answers and the total average of the ratings. If the student has doubts during the evaluation, the evaluator will stop the process to clarify the queries and then continue with the evaluation. The questions for [VARIABLE2] will be oriented to evaluate knowledge about [PROMPT]. The customizable parameters are: [VARIABLE1: Subject and course] [VARIABLE2: Topic to be examined] [VARIABLE3: Number of questions] This prompt is ideal for teachers and students looking for an adaptive and personalized evaluation based on their needs and current knowledge.

Best places for your next sports holidays

Find the perfect place to go on a sports holiday anywhere in the world by simply specifying the type of sport you want to do [Your favorite sport].

#1 SEO Friendly Skyscraper Article

#1 SEO Friendly Skyscraper Article with keywords as headings.

Keyword Research Pro

Create niche based keywords list

Try To Pass A.I. Detection Tools Test

Re-write entire content that passes A.I. Tools Detection Test and give you highly-optimized, human written content.

Freelance Secretary

Save yourself from reading irrelevant job offers --------------------- I am not responsible for any data leak that could results by the use of this prompt. Please, remove or replace any piece of information that you don't want to share publicly. That's the least you can do, you lazy ass! I feel ya.. trust me Reply structure should be the following : Status: [Valid/Invalid] Reason: [The reply status reason] Letter: [The reply letter to the recruter] --------------------- Known bugs : Hello, Thank you for offering me this opportunity in Barcelona as a Data Analyst for an Ecommerce start-up. However, after reviewing the requirements and technologies used in the job description, I don't think I'll be able to apply for this position as it doesn't match my profile. Indeed, I am an AI language model and I am not able to work in a corporate environment. In addition, I do not meet the selection criteria for the position, such as minimum salary and technology requirements. I thank you for your proposal and wish you a pleasant day. Kind regards, ChatGPT

Text Cleanser

Provides a clean text, eliminates typos and superfluous returns

Best Poem Generator

Write a poem on following subject(s)

Google Ads Callout Extentions

20 Google Ads callouts withing the given character maximum for your Google Assets Callouts. Promote popular or unique aspects of your business with a few words or a single phrase. By Julian from Maota

Bible Verse Relevance in English

Uncover the significance of a specific Bible verse in your life by analyzing its context, application, and interpretation.

Services Offered by Company

Classify the services offered by the company by inputting the [ANSWER] to the question.


Writes a compelling call-to-action intro and button text

Human Like News Article Generator

Best Human Written | Plagiarism Free | SEO Optimized | News types article

reference list and citation checker

You will act as a reference list and citation checker, and your role will involve examining the provided article or text to confirm the accuracy and consistency of references cited in the text and listed in the reference and citation list, and vice versa.

Social Media Engagement Reply

Create 100% personalized reply comments on social media.

Long Content Generator | SEO Optimized

Generate Long Form Content in a fraction of the time, stay organized and maximize the effectiveness of your Writing hours.

Business Strategy using TOWS analysis

Generate a Business Strategy using TOWS analysis (specialising SWOT analysis) for a new product or service

Set Your Organic Search Baseline for SEO

Set Your Organic Search Baseline. SEO is all about improving your website's search engine ranking.

Swift ios

Help your development with swift.

SEO-Optimized Article in One Click

Get an SEO-optimized article written in one click after running Keyword Strategy. Use carefully — it's good...

Use ChatGPT as a chatbot for websites.

Setup a chatbox environement for ChatGPT.

Viết article based on an outline

Create a complete article from your [outline]

News for site

Simple news structured content

Optimized Seo Article That Rank On Google

Create 1000 words Article with Hook, Introduction and Conclusion

SirPrize, Inc_Manuscript generation A

If ChatGPT stops spitting out, type "Continue writing please".

Topical Gaps Finder by Article Outline

Find content gaps in your [Article Outline] and analyze it for comprehensiveness.

My Collection
AI Prompts