Social Media Post-SEO- Title, Post, Hashtags

Generator social media posts SEO-optimized with SEO-optimized title, SEO-optimized Engaging questions, SEO-optimized Hashtags

Pro Blogger V1.5 "Updated"

Blog like pro! Create 100% SEO Optimized Blog Post > 1 Click magic fully optimized blog post , just add your focus keyword and > Voila > try it NOW

YouTube Title Ideas

Create ranking youtube titles

What's benefit of credit card

Write an article from text provided

WikiMedia Format - Anime

WikiMedia Format - Anime

Generate custom Google Business Profile post (GMB)

Generate custom post or update for your Google Business Profile within under 1500 characters limit.

Create A User Story

Create a user story

Local Business Keyword for Best SEO Result

Optimize Business Listing | Keywords For Local Business Listings | Boost Your Business Ranking | Upvote so that we can publish more prompts

Training Manual (Internal)

Create your very own training manual for your business. Save time and structure your business properly.

Domain name Recommended Master

Find the perfect domain for your website by choosing a niche.

Blog idea about UI/UX & ai

Create a monthly plan for blogs

Killer 6 months SEO Plan

v 1.1 Updated to include Keyword focus for each month. Ideal to add this at the end of your Strategy Presso.

Seo optimized article with FAQs and Meta.

100% Unique | Plagiarism Free | SEO Optimized Title, | Meta Description | Headings with Proper H1-H6 Tags | Tell best place to add internal links | upto 2000 Words Article with FAQ's, SEO-Meta Description and Conclusion.

Quick mind map

Mind map with topics and subtopics

Japanese dub voice cast

Japanese dub voice cast

WPRO event article

Create a SEO friendly event article

[targetlanguage] learning and quiz for [variable1]

Learn [VARIABLE1] and test your knowledge with a quiz at the end.


Salesman "sell with emotions and desires."

ML & DA multiple choice

Answers to Machine Learning and Data Analytics questions.

Elastic Search Expert

Need help about ElasticSearch ? I am an Expert ElasticSearch !

Professional minecraft launcher coder

it's a promt that helps for making a minecraft launcher

Facebook Ad Copies

Are you tired of spending hours crafting Facebook ad copies? Let our AI-powered Facebook Ad Copies Generator do the work for you! Our Prompt can create multiple variations of ad copies in a matter of seconds, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

solution based on cabalistic magic

create the best meta magical description and solution based on cabalistic magic and masonic wisdom

Silo structure and SEO Titles

Clear SILO structure based on your Keyword List or Keywords as a table, and gives you SEO optimized Title Ideas for each cluster

Best Startup Venture Ideas from Q&A

Create the Best New Business Ideas for Me! Input Tech (hardware, software, etc), Budget, and Time to POC.

Generate 2000 words essay for your topic

Generate long essays, articles and analytics

Human Like Rewriter | SEO Optimised

Re-write articles to beat competitors with this tool! Don't forget to like this tool if you find it useful.

Buyer Personas & Target Audience PRO

Create a buyer personas and Target audience in 1 click

Elevate Your Ecommerce SEO with Meta Tags

Create SEO Optimized Title Tag and Meta Description for e-commerce products websites .. example: " men clothes in USA from tommy hilfiger "

My Collection
AI Prompts