Biographic Blog post

Create a biographic long formart blog post base on the character in this url [insert url]

How To - Heading Expand In Details

Expand The Topic With Subheading Style In Details

Create Professional Advertising Campaign

ChatGPT will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals.

Product Bullet Points

Product Bullet Points

SEO Optimized Website Content | Google Friendly

Write a SEO Optimized Website Content without any plagiarism and with multiple headings in it.

Stable Diffusion - Photography Prompt Helper

A beautiful woman taking a coffee outdoor in paris

Rhetorical Device Generator for Impactful Copy

This rhetorical device generator will make your text as varied as the spices in an Indian curry. Creates a Table with Examples for Important Rhetoric Devices: simile, metaphor, irony, accumulation, allegory, alliteration, anaphora, anticlimax, antithesis, assonance, chiasmus, conversio, diminutive, ellipsis, enjambment, epanalepsy, epiphany, euphemism, hyperbole, inversion, parallelism. Keywords: rhetorical device generator, writing tool, rhetorical devices, writing techniques, figure of speech, literary device, creative writing, writing improvement, writing assistant, writing inspiration, writing prompts, language generator

Busines Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas creator

Write a Google Maps review

Write a Google Maps review of 200 words. Short description: [PROMPT]

SD ita | Google Ads Search Ads

Crea Responsive Search Ads per Google Ads in italiano

Product description SEO optimized For E-commerce

Write texts for the Products of your e-commerce [business name] based on the [URL] with relevant content that you prefer for the [Product name]

SEO optimised human like Blog for photographers

Create blog post for portrait photographers SEO optimised and Human like

Create a casual comment for this post.

Create a casual comment for this post.

Product Related SEO Information(All)

Description, Details, FAQ, Genre, Themes, Conclusion,11 SEO Keyphrases, Meta Description, SEO Title, 25 tags. Attempts to fit all content into a single response. If a section is too short simply ask it to add more. Ex. "Add more product tags". The more Info you give the better info you get!

Use Keywork Research to Generate FAQ

Use Keywork Research to Generate FAQ

generate task

generate task

30-Day LinkedIn Content Calender

Create 30 Day Content Calender of your Favorite Topic [Keyword] for LinkedIn.

Product Description from the UK

Create a product description from 1 keyword/production description [keyword]

Y Combinator Business Plan Outline

This will create a detailed business plan outline. Just enter a short or long summary of your napkin idea, along with any specific details that must be included.

Your Mortgage and Real Estate Marketing Consultant

Capture and convert your clients at the highest level

perfect Landingpage by Konzept54

Create a flawless landing page incl. SEO and Meta

Translator Gaul

Translate Bahasa Indonesia ke English Native US

Best SEO Optimized - Plagiarism free Content

Best SEO Optimized, Plagiarism free content includes Headers | Lists | FAQs

Bypass Copyleaks AI SEO-Optimized Article

The top voted prompts here are unable to pass off as human, as detectors have been patched. Use the New Bing instead for the best results. Key in the title and context, to churn out the best possible article to outrank your competition. Keep the options as default. Multi-step upgraded version that acts even more like your SEO ghostwriter, asking for approval before it writes.

Meta-Title & Description

The only true Meta Tag compiler with result in table. Just put [KEYWORD] and get the result. Updates every week.

Gino the open AI expert!

OpenAI API Expert, ask resolve and go

Humanlike, SEO Optimized Article

Create a humanlike, SEO optimized article with just a blog title.

Slot Gacor Hari ini

Slot Gacor Hari ini

Create 10 SEO Optimized Article Ideas

Create 10 unique and fully SEO optimized blog article ideas from Keyword.

My Collection
AI Prompts