Media buying text

Write the best article text that will convince the reader to buy the product.

Best Software Review

Write a product/software review that incorporates SEO techniques, headings, and provides a detailed analysis of the product's description, features, benefits, user experience, likes/dislikes, pricing, and a concise call to action.

Amazon Title

Write Amazon Product title of maximum 180 Characters which is acceptable by Amazon

<HTML> Product Description

HTML Product Description with headings <H4> and <H5> and futures bullet points list with negative and positive emoji.

features and benefits of product description

identify the features and benefits of product description and list them as very short bullets points. in front of each bullet, add the emoji check green

Product Description from the UK

Create a product description from 1 keyword/production description [keyword]

Create a product description for Amazon Aliexpress

Create a product description for Amazon Aliexpress

Rewrite Product Features With Relevant Emojies

Rewrite Product features to make more attractive

Usp-o-matic 3000

Try this to craft a strong USP. Once you answer the questions that follow, you will be provided with 4 outputs. 1) A candidate side USP 2) A copywriter's version of your candidate side USP 3) A client side USP 4) A copywriters's version of your client side USP

Write an SEO-friendly Product Description

Writes an optimized product description based on a short list of product features. For best results provide as much info as possible and include keywords you want to rank for.

Keyword Strategy

Create a keyword strategy and SEO content plan form 1 [KEYWORD]

Product Description SEO Optimized

Provide facts about a product and let the AI write a SEO-optimized and high converting product description for you.

Landing Page Service Descriptions

Create a table that has short service descriptions for each [service] in [location]

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AI Prompts