Instagram Hastag generator#

Instagram Hash Tag within a click

30 Catchy Titles from the Greatest Copywriters

Get 5 Attention-Grabbing Blog Post Titles from Six of the Greatest Copywriters in History! All from a single TOPIC.

Create Compelling Subject Lines

Create Compelling Subject Lines That Will Make The People Want to Open Your Email

Cold Email Subject Lines | 70%+ Opens

Get 3 sets of subject lines for A/B split testing

Upwork Proposal Template

This Prompt will make you able to generate Upwork job proposals

David Ogilvy headlines from a keyword list

Using David Ogilvy Headline writing style and a keyword list create 20 captivating headlines. Recommend prompt to start with "Magic Keyword Creator with Subkeywords"

Ask and answer

Ask questions and answer to them

Topics and anti-plagiarism for your text

Your text in topics and anti-plagiarism.

Optimized title for a text document

Title a text file so that it is easily searchable in Mac OS Finder

Clever Headline Generator

Writes 10 clever headlines from the text provided.

Google Ads Responsive Ad Titles & Descriptions

Type the product or service you want to print the advertisement text for.

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AI Prompts